Meeting YOU at the Intersection
Organizational Change, Strategy, Leadership and Innovation
X-Factor Solutions – What We Do
X-Factor Solutions – What We Do
Who We Are
We are a client-centered consulting firm.
Taking care of our clients and telling the truth to our clients are our top priorities. We are askers and doers. We value listening to our clients.
Our passion is to help people and organizations identify and grow unique leadership talents and business solutions. Our consulting offerings, interactive workshops, and executive/team coaching help YOU overcome obstacles and implement business solutions to surpass your performance goals.
X-Factor Solutions brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and critical skills, making us uniquely qualified to deliver the highest quality strategy, education, structured training, and consultative facilitation services to your company in a highly collaborative environment.
Who We Work With
X-Factor Solutions’ offerings are not for everyone, just the executives, leaders, teams, and organizations committed to making better decisions for themselves and the entire organization!
Since 2007 X-Factor Solutions has been a trusted provider of innovative training programs and consulting services to companies of all sizes. Our diverse client list represents a wide array of industries and includes companies ranging from small companies to Fortune 500 clients.
We have also developed unique human performance programs. Our implementation of results-based organizational change strategies for our clients has created multi-million dollar results.
We are honored to work with highly committed partners in order to drive positive results.